Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Wet Scoot

When I left for a church meeting this evening on my scoot, I thought I was looking pretty sharp in my sports coat and new paisley green tie.

Then, on my way home (dark and around 9:00 PM) I noticed some ominous looking clouds on the horizon. Sure enough, it started sprinkling and the closer I got to home the harder it rained until it was an all out torrential downpour. By the way, that is a bit painful at 40mph!


Kelsey said...

I know how you feel. I've got stuck in one too many rainstorms on the scooter. I love how everyone in the cars looks at you and laughs, that always makes me feel better.

Brianne said...

It rains somewhere other than Seattle? Interesting. Maybe you should move closer to the church so that doesn't happen again.