Sunday, August 3, 2008

At the Cabin #1 - Picture Competition

As promised, I will now put up a series of posts on our time at the cabin. Julianne's grandparents have a cabin on the Henry's Fork of the Snake River in Island Park (Mack's Inn), Idaho. Here's where it is, exactly.

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First, we had a photograph contest:

Julianne's Best:

The Buehner Cabin

The Neeley Cabin

The Neeley Beach

Neeley Dock

Brenden's Best:

Henry's Fork!!!
Neeley Cabin!!!
Old Boat!!!
Neeley Cabin!!!

Some good pictures all around, but if you ask me, the moose and all of the exclamation points definitely tip the scales in favor of Brenden's pictures! Booyah! Exclamation points!!!

1 comment:

ken said...

Julianne gets points for composition and artistic merit.

Brenden gets points for use of light and shadow, but receives a penalty for use of sepia tone filter.

Winner: Julianne.