Monday, January 13, 2014

Picking Emmie up from school

I like picking Emmie up for school. She is usually very chatty. Today I saw her talking with her friend Addison. When she got in the car this was our conversation. 

Emmie: Mom! Do you want to know what Addison and I were talking about?
Me: Sure!
Emmie: Well Addison's mom got up first today and she went to find their dog. She found him and he had died! The dog was really old.
Me: Was Addison sad? Did you say anything to make her feel better? 
Emmie: Yeah, I told her not to worry. She can go buy another dog. 

Looks like we need to work on sympathy.



hey, jode said...

Picking up kids from school was one of my favorite things! You nailed it. The conversations were endless. That makes me happy you can experience it, too. . . sorry about the little dog.

Hyder Ali said...

How is she to know unless she has a dog of her own. ;) Also, I love the new look of your blog. You're like cool and junk.