Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's girlfriend does something with his toothbrush and he doesn't know what?  Well, that happened to me today.  I had asked Emmie to go up and use the bathroom.  She was in there for a while so I thought I would go up and check on her.  There she was... with my toothbrush.  I asked her, "Emmie!  What are you doing with my toothbrush!?"  She responded, "I'm just cleaning the seat like this (proceeded to scrub the toilet seat with my toothbrush)".   Now I know I am not the best housekeeper and my toilet seats are probably not that clean so that toothbrush is now in the trash. 


Brianne said...

Ewwww! I'm so glad you caught her!

Anonymous said...

What a good helper! Glad she was willing tell you the truth. Enjoy your New brush.

Melissa said...

Hilarious! Love that kid!

Anonymous said...

Kind of has to make you wonder though if that was really the first time :) Lorinda

hey, jode said...

Yep. At least she was honest. You must be doing something right!