Tuesday, December 1, 2009

FAT LIP! Emmie's 1st Red Badge of Courage

Walking in from the grocery store tonight, Emmie fell on the pavement, got a fat lip and a bloody nose. She screamed for a good 30 minutes as we wiped away the blood (and bloody snot) and tried to clean her off. A bath with mom helped calm her down a bit and now she is getting some much deserved lap time with mom on the couch. How sad! I'm sure this will be the first of many injuries. Thankfully, the bloody nose stopped quick and the cut on the lip is quite superficial. It also stopped bleeding pretty quick. No stitches needed. Actually, I don't think there will even be a scab. Just a nice fat lip. Maybe this is Emmie's way of telling us that she wants to pursue a career in boxing or ultimate fighting.

Here's the sad kiddo:


hey, jode said...

I'm so sorry! Hug her tight for me.

Brianne said...

How sad! I'm glad it wasn't too bad.

The Clawson's said...

Poor girl! That is so sad.

Hyder Ali said...

She looks like an Irish boxing champ. What a tough girl!