Saturday, May 14, 2011

Major Surgery for Luigi

Back story:  Last spring I bought parts to fully rebuild Luigi's transmission and replace his brakes.  Before we could do that, the engine seized. 

This usually means that the piston has literally melted/fused to the cylinder.  Fun.  Well, he sat all winter being lonely, and now a local scooter friend, Matt, helped me drop the engine and fix him.  It turns out, the piston/cylinder were fine.  Our best educated diagnosis is that the clutch-side bearings are shot.  This is actually going to be a cheaper fix than what we had thought.  Here's what he looks like at the moment:

Misc parts + carburetor

 Parts of the engine, cylinder head pulled off, piston exposed, flywheel on the side

Note: I am 100% worthless in doing all of this and completely at the mercy of Matt.  A million thank you's to him.

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