Sunday, August 30, 2009

State Fair with Doug, Christen, Dillon and Jeanie

It is kind of sad - we have lived in Lincoln for 5 years and never gone to the State Fair (which is only about 1 mile from our house).

Doug and Christen (Brenden's cousins) moved up to Omaha last year and Aunt Jeanie was visiting - so we made an outing of it with them. It was a lot of fun (though we got sunburned).

Guy high-diving from 80 ft. Very entertaining - way better than the pig racing.

Fair food - Super Corn Dog. Delicious!

Ems did better with the animals this time than she did at the County Fair last month. She walked around the goats for a good 10 minutes just pointing and laughing - each time getting a little bit closer and almost touching one.

She looks so unhappy here because she was having some crazy allergies or something that made her eyes puff up and water. Very sad.

More fair food. The curly fries were a bit disappointing. I bet they would have been a million times better ON A STICK!

The deep-fried Snickers was the most horrendously delicious deep-fried monstrosity we have ever experienced. SO GOOD!

Afterwards we took the Reids down to Ivana Cone. Very tasty. It was a great time and convinced us (again) that we need to get together with Doug and Christen more. They are a riot. You hear that Reids? Expect calls from us soon!

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